Harris and I dressed up as Jesse and Woody, from Toy Story, for a Halloween party tonight. It's the first time I've ever been to one. :) I danced to FloRida and, shocking!, had my first drink. I'm going straigh to hell, I'm sure.
I love the idea that one drink will send you to hell... I can't even begin to think what level of Hades I'd be on for what I drank Friday night.... What did you have, if I may be so bold to ask?
"This is the day that the Lord has made let us rejoice and be glad in it" Psalms Too Fun. You could have hung out with us we had a Buzz Lightyear.
Way to go to reclaim this day for something enjoyable instead of hiding in your house with lights turned off. That was me and my family. I mentioned to my husband last night as we took our 4 kids trick or treating that I celebrated Halloween for the first time when I was 23. He thought it was so weird. Growing up we did the Fall Festival thing which I now know is the pagan way to celebrate where as Halloween was the religious holiday I loved rubbing shoulders with our community as we enjoyed a night of fun. It is for freedom that Christ has set us free.
Lol, yep amulbunny. I am newly minted as a Lutheran and I love it. Not necessarily that communion uses real wine, but that the ugly old scripture twisting appears to be a no-no here. =)
Live your life to the fullest, Ruth! It's the only one you get and it is (imho)a gift that is meant to be enjoyed.
Oh, and for future parties I leave you with this advice a good Catholic friend of mine once gave me, "moderation in all things- including moderation!" Gotta love it. =)
I had two drinks total, over about four hours, and called it "done". The first, shortly before I made the post, was a candy corn shot (I think that's what it was called). The second was a sour apple pucker thing. I liked the first better than the second but overall I think I prefer not to feel loopy.
Yeepee!!! Sounds so awesome! I grew up in a very Catholic home, and never dressed up for halloween. I still don't. I never went trick or treating as this was said to be "devil worshipping." But I love TS and all the characters. Thanks to your post, if/when I decide to dress up (and the boyfriend, or course!) I'll do it as Jesse and Woody! So good to read you guys had fun.
I didn't really do much, my fiance and I planned on handing out candy, but no one showed up...I didn't see one person out trick or treating, we agreed that our kids will be trick o' treating asap (when we have kids lol) its a necessary part of human development lmao
As wranglermama said, even Jesus drank wine. His first miracle was even turning water in to wine. Because his mom told him to. After everyone was already sloshed. Glad you had fun!
Glad to hear you had a good time. I'm just not into Halloween like I used to be, but believe me, when I was your age I went to some WILD parties. I mean HUNDREDS of people in and out of a 3 bedroom house with a nice deck and yard (and many, many kegs that people would just bring with them during the course of the evening). My BF lived there and spun the tunes and I remained (relatively) sober as a hostess. Still, there was no way I went home after those blowouts. :)
My parents went pretty fundie when I was in high school, but they always put out the jack o'lantern regardless of their personal beliefs. I also collected for UNICEF through my childhood church as a kid (and wrote letters on behalf of Amnesty International). If anyone has heard of the DeBolts, I grew up with them at that church. I'd probably still go to church had my parents not gone down the path they chose. I was too scarred to go back after just 3 years of it.
To close, a pop culture reference you can easily google (and watch the skits on YouTube): Party on Garth! :D
Ruth, you're just the bees knees. I wonder if there is a special carpool lane for the drinkers who are headed straight to hell? I mean do they get to avoid the bottlenecks from other sinners getting on the road to hell? When the drinkers get to hell, do they get a special VIP section? Or is that reserved for people who abuse animals and boy band fans?
Yay! I'm so happy you could let loose and have fun. Would love to see a picture!
And I third the Lutheran thing.
If I were where you are, I'd love to take you out for a drink--but not anything made with sour apple pucker. A nice glass of wine, a snifter of brandy, or just a good beer. :)
Congrats, Ruth! That's a big step. I'm so happy for you.
Glad you had fun! Halloween is such an enjoyable evening, it makes me a little sad that so many people don't partake. Everyone likes to be someone else, if only for an evening. As for your first drink...As someone who has no issues with the consumption of alcohol whatsoever, there are at least a couple beers and a bottle of wine in my fridge, it's mostly pretty overrated. I hope you at least had something tasty!
I'm calling BS here Ruth. You have previously said that you've had a drink. Now you're telling us that you had your first drink on Halloween. I don't buy that it was your first drink of the night because you wrote about the drink in such a way as to make people believe this was in fact your first drink ever. Why else would you say that it was shocking or that you were sure to go to Hell? If you've had alcohol in the past, it wouldn't be shocking at this point if you drank alcohol again.
Ruth, your story is beginning to unravel. You can't keep the story straight and as such you are becoming unbelievable. I don't know if you're some sort of atheist who is writing in order to attack conservative Christianity or if you're just a disgruntled former ATI kid who is embellishing stories in order to tick off your family.
The fact that you can't keep your alcohol story straight calls into question your entire story, much of which seems so extreme as to be a work of fiction. Couple that with your very fine grammar and story telling and I dare say you're a fake.
I've been kind of wondering about the drink thing, too. I remembered you writing you'd had alcohol and didn't much care for it, and wondered if most people who were raised to think drinking was wrong and didn't drink until their 20s disliked the taste (since I'm the same way for the most part). So this post did take me by surprise a bit. But I don't think it necessarily calls your entire story into question. I technically had my "first drink" when I was 20 at a friend's Christmas party - Puerto Rican eggnog. But I had so little of it that I tend to say my first drink was out with friends in Rhode Island when I was 21 where I sampled about 1/4 of my friend's whiskey.
Also, Publius, since grammar means quite a bit to me and the knowledge of it is essential to my job, Ruth really doesn't have fine grammar. No offense, Ruth - and I believe you've said before that you struggle with grammar and writing due to the nature of your homeschooling. You certainly write a good deal better than many people online, but your writing isn't the "fine grammar and story telling" that Publius says it is.
I still tend to believe your story, though I also realize that you're telling it through your lens. Part of why I believe it is that my husband was raised in similar ways (obedience training and such), and the times he's read your blog he's become quite disturbed to think that his upbringing was even slightly similar to yours. Another reason I still believe the validity of your story is due to the precious few months I spent at an extremely conservative Christian university, and the mindset that your father had/has was shared by some of the administration, professors, and even students. I feel the truth of it from my own experience, even if some parts are still painted by the brush of one-sided experience.
What I mean by one-sided experience is this: when my husband focuses on the bad of his upbringing, he can't see the good. He’s seeing everything from his side and nothing from their side. I'm not saying that you're entirely focusing on the horrors of your upbringing, and you have stated that you have some fond memories. I think in instances of prolonged abuse and brain-washing, you have to work through the bad and come to grips with it before you can let it go. I tend to think that's what you've been doing here. I know I’ve certainly had to work through issues from the little bit of time I spent at that university – and that was five months, not the nearly 18 years you spent under the rule of your father. It took me quite a long time to not alternately live in fear and hatred (again, my feelings, not attributing them to you).
"Couple that with your very fine grammar and story telling" Yikes! You should read my (home schooled) daughters stories/essays/research papers.
Many QF daughters spend as much time as they can reading. It affords them an escape from the hell that is their daily grind. Prolific readers often make great writers.
@dani Good storytellers don't need to use perfect grammar, as you yourself know, being an educated woman who is also, no doubt, a prolific reader. "Ain't that right, ya'll?" ;-)
@shadowspring, I didn't mean that she's not a good story-teller! Just realized that's how it sounded. I was mainly focusing on the grammar part. I think there are times to throw grammar to the wind in the name of being more clear or expressing emotion in a more accurate way. At least, that's how I operate. I have my actual grammar rules, then my own personal set that I use at my own discretion :)
Publius, you have a right to choose to believe whatever it is you choose to believe. The issue I have with your particular comment is that your saying you question my entire story based on a vague miscommunication about drinking. This seems to be pretty common on the internet - someone creates a blog and starts writing. People start reading. People start looking for inconsistencies. If they don't find major inconsistencies, then the magnifying glass comes out and the exam starts. They'll wait months to find ONE, small, possible contradiction and then they "out you". The problem is, this isn't really a contradiction of "my story". On Halloween, I said - "Harris and I dressed up as Jesse and Woody, from Toy Story, for a Halloween party tonight. It's the first time I've ever been to one. :) I danced to FloRida and, shocking!, had my first drink. I'm going straigh to hell, I'm sure." I think most people figured out that I wrote that post kind of tipsy. The reason "shocking" is messed up with an exclamation point and commas is because I wrote it from Harris' little palm computer thing. I didn't mean I 'had my first drink ever' but meant I had my first drink of the night. As you'd see in the comments below, I detailed that I had two drinks that night in total. I added the "shocking" comment because I had just been in a comments/e-mail discussion about how people thought I was a goody-two-shoes. Was it a post made in poor taste? Yes and I regretted it because it gives ATI-parents a reason to say "see what happens when you let them out". I understand you feel it's a "lie". I can even understand that I wasn't as clear as I ought to have been - lesson learned.
The main point of this post is that if you're looking for a reason not to read this blog, then you don't have to find one. Just stop reading. You don't need a justification for not believing me or not wanting to read here. Life is too short.
I'm calling BS on Publius. I read Ruth's blog post from Halloween and automatically knew she was describing the first drink of the night: anyone reading her blog longer than a week knows she has already experienced alcohol. Get over it! Seriously? Fucking seriously? All you bring is "wah! She said she's drank before and now she says it's the first drink" She didn't say; "This was my first drink ever." Stop assuming cuz' you know what that does, right? Then you perform the patented internet flip and go, "Even though I'm calling you a lying, atheist, you might just be an ex-ATIer with a chip on their shoulder."....which is basically just you saying "I don't know what the fuck I'm talking about so I'll cover my own ass." People like you occasionally get lucky and find an internet faker. Congratulations on your monumental achievement, dude! I'm sure it makes you feel all big and tall. Of course, in the process, you'll totally accuse one hundred other, real people in the process, but it's all good in the name of internet justiz. Grow the fuck up.
Wow, I think Publius is really reaching there. Nowhere in that post does she say it's her first drink ever. Ruth, you needn't be ashamed of that post all. I smiled when I read it because I was so happy to read about you having such a fun time! You stopped at two drinks which is good and responsible.
I find this attack on your credibility by Publius to come at an interesting time, Ruth. Surely you have read about the attack on Hillary over at QDs as well?
Im wondering if its not being orchestrated by the patriarchal crowd to shut you lovely ladies up.
dont let people get you down ruth. some people are just jerks. i love the way you keep your grace when having to tell them off/defend yourself on YOUR BLOG. ugh. so what if you want to tell us a bunch of lies, its your safe space and you can do what you want. thank you for sharing your story and for sticking out college when i know it must be hard. <3
I am not part of any coordinated effort to discredit anyone. I am a casual reader of this blog, I don't know who Hillary is and I don't know what QD is.
I stand behind my statement. There have been some glaring inconsistencies in this blog and Ruth has been called out on them before. It's gotten to the point where it's one to many for be to take this blog seriously anymore.
Ruth, I don't buy your explanation. I suspect most of your followers want to believe your story not because they care about you but because they care to attack the Christian faith. Any chance most of your readers get to cry hypocrite or shake their finger at Christians will be jumped at. I suspect you know that, which is why you've created the character of Ruth. I have legitimate concerns about ATI and I think a reasonable debate can be had over whether ATI follows scripture or not. That debate can happen without fake stories and other such slander.
Publius, I'm not trying to attack the Christian faith. I've just caught glimpses into sections of fundamental conservative Christianity that send shivers up my spine, and I'm not afraid to say so.
Also, I'd be interested to hear the inconsistencies you mention. As a long-time reader who has read every entry Ruth has written, I'm having trouble coming up with many that couldn't be attributed to being human and trying to recall memories long gone. Not saying that you're making it up, but I'd be interested to see specifics of what you're talking about.
What she's describing is a much more cult like environment ruled by an angry man with a million and two insecurities who took those insecurities and used them to over power his family and "break" them while hiding behind the safety blanket of false Christianity (which means, in essence "to LOVE like Christ", not overpower and make fearful in the name of Christ).
There's both sides to each religion, but in my opinion, what she describes in her blog isn't Christ like or Godly, it's manifest destiny with women/children as the slaves unworthy of the all powerful fathers attention and love (in this specific case, not in all) hiding behind scripture, hypocrisy and inconstancies much more blatant than the few in her blog.
I'd say you're taking out some of your issues on a rather lame inconstancy that has been explained to a satisfactory degree and reaching for something to gripe about, Publius. Besides, I'd be much more worried if everything she wrote was in perfect, neat order.
I am so proud of you!
ReplyDeleteThis made me laugh...glad you had a great time!
ReplyDeleteit sounds like you had fun. good for you
ReplyDeleteI love the idea that one drink will send you to hell... I can't even begin to think what level of Hades I'd be on for what I drank Friday night.... What did you have, if I may be so bold to ask?
ReplyDeleteYay! Sounds like a blast! I want to know what you had too - my first drink was peach tequila. Amazing. :)
ReplyDeleteRuth, you utterly rock. Keep on enjoying life!
ReplyDeleteGee I hope one drink doesn't send you anywhere but a nice evening....come to a Lutheran church, we have real wine with our communion.
ReplyDeleteI am glad you had a good time. I still haven't seen TS3, though my daughter keeps threatening to buy it for me.
Have a great week.
Glad you had fun! That's what it's all about.
ReplyDeleteGlad you had fun!
ReplyDeleteWOW my roomate and her friend were also dressed up as Jesse and Woody!!!! This is crazy! Glad you had fun though!
ReplyDelete"This is the day that the Lord has made let us rejoice and be glad in it" Psalms
ReplyDeleteToo Fun. You could have hung out with us we had a Buzz Lightyear.
Way to go to reclaim this day for something enjoyable instead of hiding in your house with lights turned off. That was me and my family.
I mentioned to my husband last night as we took our 4 kids trick or treating that I celebrated Halloween for the first time when I was 23. He thought it was so weird. Growing up we did the Fall Festival thing which I now know is the pagan way to celebrate where as Halloween was the religious holiday
I loved rubbing shoulders with our community as we enjoyed a night of fun.
It is for freedom that Christ has set us free.
Lol, yep amulbunny. I am newly minted as a Lutheran and I love it. Not necessarily that communion uses real wine, but that the ugly old scripture twisting appears to be a no-no here. =)
ReplyDeleteLive your life to the fullest, Ruth! It's the only one you get and it is (imho)a gift that is meant to be enjoyed.
Oh, and for future parties I leave you with this advice a good Catholic friend of mine once gave me, "moderation in all things- including moderation!" Gotta love it. =)
Now THIS is when I wish you could post pics because I'll bet you looked adorable! SO glad you had such a fantastic time! :-)
ReplyDeleteHaha, you go girl :P
ReplyDeleteWe never celebrated Halloween either, and I've never gone dancing, so I can relate to your excitement :)
I had two drinks total, over about four hours, and called it "done". The first, shortly before I made the post, was a candy corn shot (I think that's what it was called). The second was a sour apple pucker thing. I liked the first better than the second but overall I think I prefer not to feel loopy.
ReplyDeleteYay! Was it "Low" by Flo Rida? One of my favs.
ReplyDeleteGlad you had a good time.
yay glad you enjoyed yourself
ReplyDeletemy first haloween was as an adult too, and i carved my first pumpkin this year
You're sounding a bit sassy these days, Ruth! ;o)
ReplyDeleteYeepee!!! Sounds so awesome! I grew up in a very Catholic home, and never dressed up for halloween. I still don't. I never went trick or treating as this was said to be "devil worshipping." But I love TS and all the characters. Thanks to your post, if/when I decide to dress up (and the boyfriend, or course!) I'll do it as Jesse and Woody! So good to read you guys had fun.
ReplyDeleteGood! I'm glad you enjoyed your evening :) I'm partial to appletinis (as well as the pomegranate flavor) and wine. Just be safe!
ReplyDeleteGlad you had a good time!!
ReplyDeleteI didn't really do much, my fiance and I planned on handing out candy, but no one showed up...I didn't see one person out trick or treating, we agreed that our kids will be trick o' treating asap (when we have kids lol) its a necessary part of human development lmao
Even Jesus drank wine.
Hope you had a great time!
As wranglermama said, even Jesus drank wine. His first miracle was even turning water in to wine. Because his mom told him to. After everyone was already sloshed. Glad you had fun!
ReplyDeleteYAY!!!! You've come a long way baby =)
ReplyDeleteI dressed up for the first time. For my work.
ReplyDeleteEveryone loved it. Making people smile is a whole new thing for me. I was a gypsy with huge bangle earrings. :P
Hey, didn't you say that you have drank before in your October questions post?
ReplyDeleteOk seriously, those costumes are the cutest thing I ever heard! I hope you had an awesome time, and I'm so happy for you. :D
ReplyDeleteGlad to hear you had a good time. I'm just not into Halloween like I used to be, but believe me, when I was your age I went to some WILD parties. I mean HUNDREDS of people in and out of a 3 bedroom house with a nice deck and yard (and many, many kegs that people would just bring with them during the course of the evening). My BF lived there and spun the tunes and I remained (relatively) sober as a hostess. Still, there was no way I went home after those blowouts. :)
ReplyDeleteMy parents went pretty fundie when I was in high school, but they always put out the jack o'lantern regardless of their personal beliefs. I also collected for UNICEF through my childhood church as a kid (and wrote letters on behalf of Amnesty International). If anyone has heard of the DeBolts, I grew up with them at that church. I'd probably still go to church had my parents not gone down the path they chose. I was too scarred to go back after just 3 years of it.
To close, a pop culture reference you can easily google (and watch the skits on YouTube): Party on Garth! :D
Ruth, you're just the bees knees. I wonder if there is a special carpool lane for the drinkers who are headed straight to hell? I mean do they get to avoid the bottlenecks from other sinners getting on the road to hell? When the drinkers get to hell, do they get a special VIP section? Or is that reserved for people who abuse animals and boy band fans?
ReplyDeleteHappy you had fun on Halloween! You deserve it.
ReplyDeleteYay! I'm so happy you could let loose and have fun. Would love to see a picture!
ReplyDeleteAnd I third the Lutheran thing.
If I were where you are, I'd love to take you out for a drink--but not anything made with sour apple pucker. A nice glass of wine, a snifter of brandy, or just a good beer. :)
Congrats, Ruth! That's a big step. I'm so happy for you.
Sounds like a great time! Glad you enjoyed yourself.
ReplyDeleteSo Ruth.. since you went as Jessie, what I want to know is... did you start yodeling after those two drinks? :) :)
ReplyDeleteJim K.
Yes, I read the October Questions post again and she did say that she had had a drink before.
Maybe she means the first drink of the night.
ReplyDeletethat is what i meant
ReplyDeleteAh, okay.
ReplyDeleteGlad you had fun! Halloween is such an enjoyable evening, it makes me a little sad that so many people don't partake. Everyone likes to be someone else, if only for an evening. As for your first drink...As someone who has no issues with the consumption of alcohol whatsoever, there are at least a couple beers and a bottle of wine in my fridge, it's mostly pretty overrated. I hope you at least had something tasty!
ReplyDeleteI'm calling BS here Ruth. You have previously said that you've had a drink. Now you're telling us that you had your first drink on Halloween. I don't buy that it was your first drink of the night because you wrote about the drink in such a way as to make people believe this was in fact your first drink ever. Why else would you say that it was shocking or that you were sure to go to Hell? If you've had alcohol in the past, it wouldn't be shocking at this point if you drank alcohol again.
ReplyDeleteRuth, your story is beginning to unravel. You can't keep the story straight and as such you are becoming unbelievable. I don't know if you're some sort of atheist who is writing in order to attack conservative Christianity or if you're just a disgruntled former ATI kid who is embellishing stories in order to tick off your family.
The fact that you can't keep your alcohol story straight calls into question your entire story, much of which seems so extreme as to be a work of fiction. Couple that with your very fine grammar and story telling and I dare say you're a fake.
I've been kind of wondering about the drink thing, too. I remembered you writing you'd had alcohol and didn't much care for it, and wondered if most people who were raised to think drinking was wrong and didn't drink until their 20s disliked the taste (since I'm the same way for the most part). So this post did take me by surprise a bit. But I don't think it necessarily calls your entire story into question. I technically had my "first drink" when I was 20 at a friend's Christmas party - Puerto Rican eggnog. But I had so little of it that I tend to say my first drink was out with friends in Rhode Island when I was 21 where I sampled about 1/4 of my friend's whiskey.
ReplyDeleteAlso, Publius, since grammar means quite a bit to me and the knowledge of it is essential to my job, Ruth really doesn't have fine grammar. No offense, Ruth - and I believe you've said before that you struggle with grammar and writing due to the nature of your homeschooling. You certainly write a good deal better than many people online, but your writing isn't the "fine grammar and story telling" that Publius says it is.
I still tend to believe your story, though I also realize that you're telling it through your lens. Part of why I believe it is that my husband was raised in similar ways (obedience training and such), and the times he's read your blog he's become quite disturbed to think that his upbringing was even slightly similar to yours. Another reason I still believe the validity of your story is due to the precious few months I spent at an extremely conservative Christian university, and the mindset that your father had/has was shared by some of the administration, professors, and even students. I feel the truth of it from my own experience, even if some parts are still painted by the brush of one-sided experience.
What I mean by one-sided experience is this: when my husband focuses on the bad of his upbringing, he can't see the good. He’s seeing everything from his side and nothing from their side. I'm not saying that you're entirely focusing on the horrors of your upbringing, and you have stated that you have some fond memories. I think in instances of prolonged abuse and brain-washing, you have to work through the bad and come to grips with it before you can let it go. I tend to think that's what you've been doing here. I know I’ve certainly had to work through issues from the little bit of time I spent at that university – and that was five months, not the nearly 18 years you spent under the rule of your father. It took me quite a long time to not alternately live in fear and hatred (again, my feelings, not attributing them to you).
Maybe she meant first mixed drink. Sheesh.
ReplyDelete"Couple that with your very fine grammar and story telling" Yikes! You should read my (home schooled) daughters stories/essays/research papers.
ReplyDeleteMany QF daughters spend as much time as they can reading. It affords them an escape from the hell that is their daily grind. Prolific readers often make great writers.
@dani Good storytellers don't need to use perfect grammar, as you yourself know, being an educated woman who is also, no doubt, a prolific reader. "Ain't that right, ya'll?" ;-)
@shadowspring, I didn't mean that she's not a good story-teller! Just realized that's how it sounded. I was mainly focusing on the grammar part. I think there are times to throw grammar to the wind in the name of being more clear or expressing emotion in a more accurate way. At least, that's how I operate. I have my actual grammar rules, then my own personal set that I use at my own discretion :)
ReplyDeletePublius, you have a right to choose to believe whatever it is you choose to believe. The issue I have with your particular comment is that your saying you question my entire story based on a vague miscommunication about drinking. This seems to be pretty common on the internet - someone creates a blog and starts writing. People start reading. People start looking for inconsistencies. If they don't find major inconsistencies, then the magnifying glass comes out and the exam starts. They'll wait months to find ONE, small, possible contradiction and then they "out you". The problem is, this isn't really a contradiction of "my story". On Halloween, I said -
ReplyDelete"Harris and I dressed up as Jesse and Woody, from Toy Story, for a Halloween party tonight. It's the first time I've ever been to one. :) I danced to FloRida and, shocking!, had my first drink. I'm going straigh to hell, I'm sure."
I think most people figured out that I wrote that post kind of tipsy. The reason "shocking" is messed up with an exclamation point and commas is because I wrote it from Harris' little palm computer thing. I didn't mean I 'had my first drink ever' but meant I had my first drink of the night. As you'd see in the comments below, I detailed that I had two drinks that night in total. I added the "shocking" comment because I had just been in a comments/e-mail discussion about how people thought I was a goody-two-shoes. Was it a post made in poor taste? Yes and I regretted it because it gives ATI-parents a reason to say "see what happens when you let them out". I understand you feel it's a "lie". I can even understand that I wasn't as clear as I ought to have been - lesson learned.
The main point of this post is that if you're looking for a reason not to read this blog, then you don't have to find one. Just stop reading. You don't need a justification for not believing me or not wanting to read here. Life is too short.
I'm calling BS on Publius. I read Ruth's blog post from Halloween and automatically knew she was describing the first drink of the night: anyone reading her blog longer than a week knows she has already experienced alcohol. Get over it! Seriously? Fucking seriously? All you bring is "wah! She said she's drank before and now she says it's the first drink" She didn't say; "This was my first drink ever." Stop assuming cuz' you know what that does, right? Then you perform the patented internet flip and go, "Even though I'm calling you a lying, atheist, you might just be an ex-ATIer with a chip on their shoulder."....which is basically just you saying "I don't know what the fuck I'm talking about so I'll cover my own ass." People like you occasionally get lucky and find an internet faker. Congratulations on your monumental achievement, dude! I'm sure it makes you feel all big and tall. Of course, in the process, you'll totally accuse one hundred other, real people in the process, but it's all good in the name of internet justiz. Grow the fuck up.
ReplyDeleteRuth, you go girl! My apologies for the language.
Wow, I think Publius is really reaching there. Nowhere in that post does she say it's her first drink ever. Ruth, you needn't be ashamed of that post all. I smiled when I read it because I was so happy to read about you having such a fun time! You stopped at two drinks which is good and responsible.
ReplyDeleteI find this attack on your credibility by Publius to come at an interesting time, Ruth.
ReplyDeleteSurely you have read about the attack on Hillary over at QDs as well?
Im wondering if its not being orchestrated by the patriarchal crowd to shut you lovely ladies up.
Lame, Publius. Just lame.
dont let people get you down ruth. some people are just jerks. i love the way you keep your grace when having to tell them off/defend yourself on YOUR BLOG. ugh. so what if you want to tell us a bunch of lies, its your safe space and you can do what you want. thank you for sharing your story and for sticking out college when i know it must be hard. <3
ReplyDeleteI am not part of any coordinated effort to discredit anyone. I am a casual reader of this blog, I don't know who Hillary is and I don't know what QD is.
ReplyDeleteI stand behind my statement. There have been some glaring inconsistencies in this blog and Ruth has been called out on them before. It's gotten to the point where it's one to many for be to take this blog seriously anymore.
Ruth, I don't buy your explanation. I suspect most of your followers want to believe your story not because they care about you but because they care to attack the Christian faith. Any chance most of your readers get to cry hypocrite or shake their finger at Christians will be jumped at. I suspect you know that, which is why you've created the character of Ruth. I have legitimate concerns about ATI and I think a reasonable debate can be had over whether ATI follows scripture or not. That debate can happen without fake stories and other such slander.
Publius, I'm not trying to attack the Christian faith. I've just caught glimpses into sections of fundamental conservative Christianity that send shivers up my spine, and I'm not afraid to say so.
ReplyDeleteAlso, I'd be interested to hear the inconsistencies you mention. As a long-time reader who has read every entry Ruth has written, I'm having trouble coming up with many that couldn't be attributed to being human and trying to recall memories long gone. Not saying that you're making it up, but I'd be interested to see specifics of what you're talking about.
Christianity is an umbrella statement.
ReplyDeleteWhat she's describing is a much more cult like environment ruled by an angry man with a million and two insecurities who took those insecurities and used them to over power his family and "break" them while hiding behind the safety blanket of false Christianity (which means, in essence "to LOVE like Christ", not overpower and make fearful in the name of Christ).
There's both sides to each religion, but in my opinion, what she describes in her blog isn't Christ like or Godly, it's manifest destiny with women/children as the slaves unworthy of the all powerful fathers attention and love (in this specific case, not in all) hiding behind scripture, hypocrisy and inconstancies much more blatant than the few in her blog.
I'd say you're taking out some of your issues on a rather lame inconstancy that has been explained to a satisfactory degree and reaching for something to gripe about, Publius. Besides, I'd be much more worried if everything she wrote was in perfect, neat order.
PS I think "pubic" when I see your sn. :)