Friday, October 8, 2010

Life is good

I'm sorry for the lack of updates or story installments. I'm really enjoying my RA position and I think I'm doing a good job. :) I like the interaction and responsibility.

I've been really pleased with school this quarter. It's been a lot of hard work, of course, but I'm enjoying my classes. Maybe it's because they're getting more specific and less survey-ish?

I promise to post more on Monday (I'll have a day off, sort of).

If anyone has questions, still, that I haven't answered, then you can post them here.


  1. I have questions about religious literacy in your family.

    What was your knowledge of the Bible? How often did you read it/have it read to you? Was this in the form of a formal study where the amount and length of passages increased as you got older? How were questions handled? Were you taught that ALL parts of the Bible were literally true or were you taught that some parts were written for life as it was back then? What did you know about what other people believed? Did you have questions about/exposure to people who believed a little differently?

    Also, I bet if your parents studied the Bible religiously (ha!) their own interpretation changed over time. Was this reflected in their teachings to you?

    At some point (first in early childhood and then again later) children go through a period of separating "what my parents believe" and "what I believe" and start choosing their own religious beliefs. How was this handled in your family?

    What version of the Bible were you taught and why? How much did you know about the history of the Bible (life around that time, history of each individual book, et)?

  2. Do you still go to church? Do you wear pants now? I guess I want to know is how far from your upbringing are you now? Did you realize that your parents were wrong so you just stepped away or did you go crazy and do things you never thought you would do like drink alcohol?

  3. How are you and Harris doing? What is he majoring in?

  4. No questions, just wanted to say it was good to see a new post from you. :) Glad to hear you are enjoying your RA position.

  5. With the elections coming up, I'm curious how your family dealt with them growing up. Was it something like your family was told to vote for a specific person, or did they leave that to personal choice?

  6. Darlin' we love your posts, but we also know you're up to your eyeballs. I have NO doubt whatsoever you're doing a fabulous job as an RA, so that responsibility and, more importantly, your studies, need to be your focus right now. Post if you have time, but do NOT make it a priority.

    Besides, we're all waiting for the book, anyway. ;-)

    All kidding aside, keep taking care of you and your future. I'm popping another couple of bucks in the tip jar with the hope you'll spend it on a little indulgence. You deserve it. :-)

  7. I'm glad that things are going well! :)

    Like a few other commenters, I wonder how your faith has changed since you left "home". Most people tend to adjust, modify, change, or step away from the religion they were raised with. And if that's still an uncomfortable subject, I'll accept a "no answer".

    Take care, friend!

  8. I'm glad life is good for you! :o)

    I am also interested in the answers to the questions those above me have already asked.

  9. I'm happy you're doing well and you're enjoying your classes and RA position.

    I'm curious about what was taught to you about history - particularly cultures and time periods dominated by non-Christian traditions and beliefs. Could you give us some insight?

    -Lauren H.

  10. Whew, glad you are okay. :) Im also curius about where you stand now with your beliefes...and what "compromises" you have made that you wouldn't have considered before (drinking, kissing, etc.) I know you said you wear pants now, have you ever worn shorts or a swiming suit? Have you thrown out your parents ideas about Jesus and God entirely or do you still cling to some of them while rejecting others?

    Also agree that you should focus on the things in life that you need to and post if and when you are able. You dont OWE us readers more updates, hehe. Of course we would love them but when you are able. Im just glad you are safe (and happy.)

    Take care!

  11. lol. wow. That's alot of questions for a busy college student. haha.

  12. I love your blog Ruth. You're such an amazing woman and an incredible writer!

    My question is - Do you have any contact with your extended family i.e. aunts, uncles, grandparents etc.? Are any of them ATI also? And if not, are any of them supportive of you at the moment?

  13. I don't have any questions, I'm just glad you are happy. I've sent a little something your way because what I really want to do is send you a care package (just like I will one day send my own daughter when she is in high school or college) but this will have to do.

    I just wish you peace...

  14. No questions, just wanted to say I love reading your blog. I found it really randomly a few days ago and I read through the whole thing in a day and a half.

    My heart breaks for you and your siblings. As a mom, I can't imagine treating my son this way for any reason.

    I can't wait to read more from you!!

  15. Always enjoy a new post but college is once in a lifetime. Enjoy every moment of it and let those of us with insufficient drama in our lives suffer a while! :) I hope your classes are challenging in the right way--making you want to learn more rather than feeling guilty that you don't already know more!

  16. Will you continue to support NLQ/Vyckie Garrison?

  17. Egotist, why do you care so much what Ruth supports? That's really her own damn business.

    -Lauren H.

  18. This comment has been removed by the author.

  19. Retyping it a little nicer.

    Ruth invited questions, Lauren. I asked one.

    If Ruth does not wish to answer, its okay. Im just asking because I, like so many others, am curious about something that concerns Ruth.

    Ruth has been on the receiving end of much worse questions, Lauren. Im pretty sure she can handle the one I asked with the same dignity and grace as she has shown in the past.

    For what its worth, I doubt Im the only one wondering.


  20. I don't have any questions for you, either, Ruth. I just hope you continue to stay happy and well and enjoying both your studies and your RA job, and continue to have a good friendship with Harris. And I'm tossing a little something in the tip jar for you to get yourself something fun, too. Don't spend it on necessities unless it's something like a scented bath product -- indulge yourself in something you wouldn't be able to afford otherwise!

    And if you ever set up any kind of mailing address where we can send you care packages, I would *love* to send you something handknit -- a cute scarf or hat. But I understand that your safety is paramount, so I understand if that's not possible. I suspect there's a number of us moms here in your readership who would love to send you the care packages we send our own daughters, however, so you might consider setting up some kind of anonymous mailing address. I'm sure there's some safe way to do it eventually, but I can understand if you'd be reluctant to provide even that much.

    Most of all, just stay happy! Just an occasional post like this one makes us feel good, so I'm glad you posted it, but you do not owe us anything longer. Even though I'm sure I'm not the only one dying to find out how the court session went the day after you ran from home! :)

  21. There's no point in asking that except to be a bitch.

    Lauren H.

  22. It is a valid question and I do not feel bad asking it.

    Get over it.

  23. Since ATI comes off as being rather monocultural, I would be curious to know what were you taught about other races and ethnic groups (e.g. blacks, Hispanics, Native Americans). Was the Civil Rights Movement discussed at all during your formative years?

  24. Why wouldn't Ruth continue to support NLQ/Vickie? Just curious.

  25. Maybe you need to get over it, and quit harping on about it. I personally didn't care either way until you posted a *fourth* time about it. If it was really such a valid question why do you feel the need to defend yourself so much? Some people didn't like your question. Deal.

  26. Has anyone here heard the phrase "Don't feed the trolls"? Sometimes that's the best thing.

  27. Keep it up, Ruth. You are doing fine.

  28. At the risk of feeding the troll, it didn't seem like a bitchy question at all, Michael/Lauren. I'm not sure why anyone would react to something like that in such a hostile manner. "Support" can mean a lot of different things, and I will certainly look for more Ruth postings on NLQ, if they are to be posted!

  29. Ignoring my own advice, I think the reason some of us feel a little indignant on Ruth's behalf due to Egotist's comment is that it seems like the question is asked almost accusatorily. Finances are a personal thing, and who we choose to support is a personal decision that shouldn't be held under other people's scrutiny. That being said, despite my initial knee-jerk reaction to the question, it really is quite mild compared to other questions and accusations that have been given to Ruth. Plus, she can answer or ignore it as she sees fit. Overall, not really a lot of harm done.

  30. Thank you, Amy. I appreciate that.

    Dani, it was not my intent to accuse. It was a question I had. Thats it. No deeper reason. No evil, back handed motives.

    Im just wondering. That is all.

  31. Ah, you all thought the questioner meant financial support? I would never have guessed that Ruth was sending money thataway, since I know she's low on funds herself. I just figured "support" meant... you know... moral support, writing for the website, and so on.


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